Hi, my name is Paul McIntosh
I'm a Desktop, App & Web Developer.

About Me

Paul McIntosh

I am a full stack developer from London, Ontario, Canada.

I have a passion for creating fast, beautiful & functional solutions for the web, mobile applications & desktop applications.

With years of experience doing full stack development in many different software development stacks I am a great asset to any team.



London Health Sciences Center (LHSC)

Participated in the development and design of multiple projects and upgrades for the Corporate Solutions Web team which included the new Laravel sites along with new Drupal sites and upgrades.

During the COVID-19 pandemic I supported the needs of LHSC, SJHC and regional hospitals with the creation of Laravel based door and self-screening applications and the creation of a Drupal 8 Webforms site used to support the Virus Test Requisition Form. I worked alongside clients and the rest of the web team to create solutions as quickly and efficiently as possible while ensuring they remain maintainable and easy to upgrade in the future. I developed my QA and testing skills during the creation of these applications to ensure large user bases would be able to easily access and use these sites. Gained valuable experience during the upgrade/migration of multiple Drupal sites and the Quiz web application to maintain the security and functionality of these applications on a new server.

Assisted users of our applications with their needs through our 4Help ticketing system; helping them with access requests, the creation of sub-sites, as well as updating existing web applications to meet their new needs.

OES Logo

OES, Inc.

Designed and developed various applications for industry leading car manufacturers as well as professional sports teams/arenas.

Those applications include mobile, desktop and web applications. Through this experience I excelled in self-management as I would make decisions alongside our clients on how to move products forward and what type of technologies would best fit the use case for their needs. As I developed these projects, I used the current best coding practices which ensured that the applications would be easily customizable to fit the needs of various clients.

Fanshawe Logo

Fanshawe College

Attended Fanshawe College in London, Ontario.

Completed the Computer Programmer Analyst program receiving an Ontario College Advanced Diploma.



ReightR.com is a social media website I created from scratch using PHP, JavaScript, html, CSS and MySQL to practice web development, design and Linux server skills.



QPM Web is a C# ASP.NET Core based application I created while working at OES, Inc., it is an internal web application used by various car manufacturing facilities all over the world. The purpose of this application is to monitor the performance of a factory's machinery, this includes displaying stats for the uptime/downtime of these machines and how many parts each of them have made during each shift. The web application also works to create a queue of the various parts each machine needs to make that then connects to OES’s QPM software installed on these machines to let the operators know what their next task at hand is


OES Bolt

Participated in the modernization of the OES, Inc. Bolt application which is used to control the screens on professional sports scoreboards to display scores, sponsors, graphics, and live feeds from various cameras. This project was redesigned the application using WPF to create a modern material design layout. I also worked to redesign the structure of the application’s code base by using a C# MVVM architecture to simplify updating the software in the future for the needs of different arenas.

OES Bolt

Topspin 360

TopSpin360 is an application I created while working at OES, Inc. using C# Xamarin, it is available on the Google Play Store and on Apple’s App Store. The purpose of this application is to connect to a TopSpin360 helmet to give and save stats as well as provide feedback to users on how to use their TopSpin360 device. The TopSpin360 device is used in strength training of necks for both professional athletes and military to mitigate the risk of concussions

Topspin 360

Score Controller

OES Score Controller is a C# Xamarin application I created while working at OES, Inc. which is now available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The purpose of this application is to connect to any pre-existing OES Scoreboards products over Bluetooth. Once you are connected to a scoreboard you can use the app to update scores, times, and other stats on the scoreboards from your phone or tablet.

Score Controller


Ticky! Is a stock tracking software for Windows 10 and Android that monitors stock and currency prices up to the last minute. It will also show the current value of your stock portfolio and graph the changes in your portfolio over various periods of time.


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